Pravila kampa
Pašman 145, 23262 Pašman, tel/fax= +385/23-260-173 +385/23-260-133
- Prilikom dolaska, svaki gost je dužan donijeti jedan službeni dokument na recepciju za policijsku prijavu i za upotrebe uprave kampa.
- Izbor parcele povjerava se upravi kampa koji određuje pravila i propise kojih se gosti obvezuju poštivati. Promjena parcele nije moguća bez odobrenja uprave kampa.
- Sve vrste vozila, posebice motorna vozila, mogu se koristiti samo za prijevoz pri smještaju ili odlasku iz kampa tijekom dopuštenog vremenskog razdoblja. Vozilom se mora upravljati umjerenom brzinom do 10 km/h. Radi sigurnosti gostiju ulazak u kamp motornim vozilima nije moguč u vremenskom periodu od 22:00 do 08:00.
- Gosti moraju poštovati privatnost i mir drugih gostiju u svako doba. Tijekom „tihih sati" (od 14:00 do 16:00) uporaba ikakvih izvora buke (autobomila, el. alata, instrumenata, radio aparata i dr.) nije dopuštena.
- strogo je zabranjeno: bacanje otpadaka po kampu (za to postoje odgovarajuća mjesta za odlaganje); paliti vatru po kampu, kopati rupe po parcelama i uništavanje borova.
- Odrasli su izravno odgovorni za ponašanje svoje djece u svako doba, te njihova buka, živost ili igra ne smiju narušavati mir ostalih gostiju.
- Uprava kampa nije odgovorna za izgubljene ili ukradene predmete ili štetu na osobama i njihovom vlasništvu koje nije direktno povezano sa nemarnošću osoblje kampa, niti za štetu uzrokovanu lošim vremenom ili okolnostima izvan naše kontrole.
- Od gostiju se očekuje da prihvate upozorenja ili savjet od strane djelatnika kampa u određenim situacijama.
- Posjetitelj naših gostiju mogu uči na područje kampa uz dopuštenje uprave kampa. Posjetitelji su dužni priložiti svoj službeni dokument te ostaviti svoje vozilo na parkiralištu. Dnevnim gostima je dozvoljeno da ostanu na području kampa najviše 4 sata. Ukoliko ostanu duže bit će im naplaćena dnevna cijena prema važećem cjeniku.
- Temeljem zakona o zaštiti od požara Republike Hrvatske zbog sigurnosti boravka gostiju na teritoriju kampa ZABRANJUJE se svaka uporaba roštilja s otvorenim plamenom (drva i ugljenom) i upućuju se gosti na određenu lokaciju na glavni roštilj gdje se isti koristi uz sve mjere koje propisuje Zakon o zaštiti od požara Republike Hrvatske.
- Navedena pravila kampa se predaju gostu na dolasku i izložena su na recepciji. Ulaskom u kamp se s toga podrazumijeva poštivanje navedenih pravila. Uprava kampa zadržava pravo udaljavanja svakoga za koga se smatra da narušava sklad i sigurnost kampa.
- Upon arriving, each guest is obliged to bring an official identification document to the reception for police notification and requirements of the camp management.
- The camp management chooses a free camp unit and sets the rules and regulations which each guest has to respect. A change of camp unit is not possible without the permission of the camp management.
- All types of vehicles, in particular motor vehicles, can be used only upon arrival or departure during the designated time. The maximum allowed speed within the camp-site’s grounds is 10 km per hour. For safety reasons of other guests, it is forbidden to enter the camp by car in the time period between 10.00 p.m. and 08.00 a.m.
- Guests must respect the privacy and peace of other guests at all times. During the so called "silent hours" (from 02.00 a.m. to 04.00 a.m.). it is forbidden to use of any sources that produce noise (cars, machinery, instruments, radio units and other).
- It is strictly forbidden: to throw waste in the campsite (there are appropriate waste dump areas); to light fire in the camp, to dig holes on the camp units or destroy the pine trees.
- Adults are directly responsible for the behaviour of their children at all times and their noise, liveliness or games mustn't disturb the peace of other guests.
- The camp management is not responsible for stolen or lost goods or any kind of injuries which occur to individuals or their possessions and are not directly connected to the negligence of the camp staff, nor is it responsible for damage caused by poor weather conditions or circumstances out of the management's control.
- It is expected that the guests accept the warning or advice from authorised personal in particular situations.
- Visitors of our guests are permitted to enter the camp with the approval of the camp management. Visitors are obliged to provide their official identification document and leave their car at the parking area. Daily guests are allowed to stay in the camp area not longer than 4 hours. Otherwise they will have to pay the daily visitor’s price according to the valid price list.
- According to the Act on Fire-Protection of the Republic of Croatia, in order to implement the safety of guests sojourning in the campsite, IT IS FORBIDDEN to grill over open fires (wood or carbon). Guests are kindly asked to go to the predicted grill area where they can use the grill according to regulations prescribed by the Republic of Croatia's Act on Fire-Protection.
- These campsite rules are given to the guests upon their arrival and they are on display in the camp site reception. When entering the camp the guest is obliged to respect these rules. The camp management has the right to remove anyone who disturbs the harmony and safety of the camp.